Tuesday 19 January 2016

For the Love of Lamb!

As a typical Welsh, I love lamb! It is the meat that I will always go for and plan recipes around, and I could eat it all day long. I like to roast a large joint (a leg or a shoulder) and then portion the leftovers to make lamb based meals throughout the following week. My plan is to write a few lines about my love of a lamb roast and then follow this post with some specific recipes leftover lamb recipes and thrifty tips.

Rosemary and Anchovy Rub
Pre-oven lamb shoulder

I could roast a joint of lamb with nothing but salt and pepper and be a happy lady, but I have learnt a few great ingredient combinations to make different tasty rubs for the meat.
Lamb, Gravy and Sides

My favourite rub for a piece of lamb is a classic Italian combination of Rosemary, garlic, anchovy and lemon. I love the effect of the fresh lemon on the rich meat and how the anchovy escapes from being fishy and adds a wonderful depth of savoury flavour. I always add an abundance of pepper to most of my food, with the exception of cereal, and so another of my favourite rubs is a peppercorn and garlic combination. For a rich sweetness and fruity depth of flavour I also love to coat a lamb joint with red current jelly, or pomegranate molasses for an extra special treat.

I like my lamb cooked pretty pink and I am always mindful of effective cooking times and temperatures for different joints of lamb. I love to create different flavour gravies, usually depending on what I have in the cupboard at the time. I am not the biggest fan of mint (yes, the classic lamb sidekick) and instead I always have a jar of red current jelly in the fridge to add a tablespoon to the rich sauce.

Lamb tastes great, and my love for the meat has given me the opportunity to adapt old and create new recipes to enjoy my favourite food in endless flavour combinations. I am really excited to share some of the things that I have done with it!

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